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The Maple Ambassador Contest

Updated: Feb 9

2024 Ambassadors Olivia Palmer & Noah Gagne

The Vermont Maple Festival and the Vermont Maple Sugarmakers' Association yearly choose two individuals to represent the Maple Industry for the State of Vermont.

Olivia Palmer – Involvement in Maple

Olivia has grown up in her family’s wholesale maple candy business starting out of the

basement of their home to their current retail location in Jericho. After graduating from college she has a full-time position in her families business as social media manager and catering coordinator. Olivia likes to share her knowledge and educate people about maple creemees and she would like to continue with her family business in the future.

Noah Gagne– Involvement in Maple

Noah since a young age has fond memories of working in the sugarhouse and wood with his

father and his grandfather. The family sugaring operation has grown and evolved with

technology as Noah has grown up teaching him lots of new things about how to make the best maple syrup. Noah is in the Cold Hollow Career Center’s Forestry Program where he works in the sugar woods and developing leadership skills. He also likes to volunteer at his local fair and the Big E. He feels these experiences are helping to shape him into a future sugarmaker.


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Who are the ambassadors?

In the past these two representatives have always been known as the Maple King & Maple Queen. It has been decided that these representatives will be known as "Vermont Maple Ambassadors" to better reflect their actual roles, and the expectations of the Maple industry. Two individuals, a male and a female, will be chosen to represent the Vermont Maple industry at functions throughout Vermont and New England for one year. A $2500.00 scholarship donated by Vermont Maple Sugarmakers Association, Vermont Maple Festival, Franklin County Maple Sugarmakers Association and Caledonia Maple Association will be awarded to each recipient. This Scholarship competition is open to any Vermont student ages 16-21. The candidate does not have to come from a sugaring family, but they must have knowledge and experience about maple sugaring.

Who they represent

The Vermont Maple Ambassadors have the honor, the responsibility, and the fun of representing the Green Mountain State’s signature product during their reigning year.

What they promote

The Vermont Maple Ambassadors promote, publicize, and educate the public with their maple knowledge. They take part in Fairs, Festivals, Field Days, and are in attendance at most significant events where maple is a part of the occasion. The Vermont Building at the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, Massachusetts is one of the places where the Maple Ambassador will frequently play host and hostess.

Being chosen as a Vermont Maple Ambassador, and taking part in the activities throughout the year, is an experience that provides memories for a lifetime.



The Ambassador Scholarships

Sponsored by Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association, Vermont Maple Festival, Franklin County Maple Sugarmakers Association



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