Sponsored by Cooperative Insurance

Thursday April 24
All entries will be judged by a team of judges from Co-Operative Insurance Company on Thursday evening, April 24th beginning at 5 p.m. No one is permitted in the judging area during judging (except for the judges and their assistants). All contest rules must be followed exactly, and decisions of the judges are final. Contestants will be notified of the reason for any disqualification by the contest chair. Only pure Vermont maple syrup may be used in the preparation of any entry.
The public is encouraged to come view the entries at the Maple Exhibit Hall(St. Mary’s Parish Hall) Friday Saturday & Sunday.
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2024 Maple Cooking Contest Winners:
Cakes: Celine Lam (Fletcher) Â Maple and Apple Roulade Cake
Pies/Other Desserts: Nicole Paquette-Helms (St. Albans) - Maple Pudding Pie
Pickles/Preserves/Sauces/Dressings: Helen Parent (Enosburg Falls) Maple Festival Maple Chicken Jerky Sauce
Bread: Hunter Boylan-Robinson (Sheldon) Â Maple Bacon and Carmelized Onion Bagels
Maple for the Health of It: Nicole Paquette-Helms (St. Albans) Maple Balsamic Sauce
Best Youth Cook: Danika Hardy (Swanton) Danika's Delicious Maple Sugar Cookies
Rising Star Award: Celine Lam
Patty Cross Commendation: Helen Parent
Vermont's Best Maple Cook: Nicole Paquette-Helms