Vermont Maple Festival Blue Ribbon Recipes
Take a look at our brand new cookbook edition of award-winning recipes!

In this latest edition, you'll find recipes to suit every cook and every appetite. Selections for the book were made by editor Kaye Mehaffey, an Enosburg School home economist and member of the Maple Festival Board of Trustees, who has chaired the Festival Cooking Contest for 15 years. The recipes featured have been winners at the Vermont Maple Festival during past contests, thus the name Blue Ribbon Recipes.
The Vermont Maple Festival Blue Ribbon Recipes is a spiral bound, 122 page book, chock full of tempting concoctions, liberally illustrated with photos of products and scenes taken by Festival photographer Don Lockhart.
Chapter Titles
• Bread
• Cakes
• Candy
• Cookies
• Desserts
• Maple for the Health of It
• Pickles, Preserves, Sauces, and Dressings
• Pies
• Meats, Vegetables, Beverages, Heritage, and Miscellaneous.
Special Features
Special features include front and back covers that are coated for durability, the book is printed in Vermont on recycled paper, and the inside front cover has a complete replica of the new maple nutritional information guide.
In addition to the Blue Ribbon Recipes, the Vermont Maple Festival cookbook contains tips and other useful information about maple syrup. To help you choose the maple syrup that best suits your needs, there is an explanation of the four Vermont table grades – Vermont Fancy (Delicate), Grade A Medium Amber (Rich), Grade A Dark Amber (Rich),
Grade B(Robust) - and the way they are most often used. (Vermont grades have changed names but it will not affect the recipes - new names in bold)
Plus, the book tells all you need to know about substituting maple syrup in place of common sweeteners. And it describes various other pure maple products, such as Maple Cream and Maple Granules. In addition to its mouth-watering compilation of recipes, the book contains much valuable information about cooking with Pure Vermont Maple Syrup
The Vermont Maple Festival Blue Ribbon Recipes is just $13.00 per copy, plus $5.00 shipping and handling, $2.00 for shipping each additional copy.